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YOUR Connection for Uniforms and More!

2123 East Edgewood Dr.
Lakeland, FL 33803 uniformconnectioninc@gmail.com


About the Uniform Connection in Lakeland, Florida...

The Uniform Connection is a well-established uniform retailer in Lakeland, Florida. We supply uniforms to healthcare, schools, restaurants, private businesses, sports teams and more. This original, boutique style uniform shop has been owned and operated by Amy Owen for over 30 years. Amy continues to be very passionate about the uniform business - always looking for the latest styles and best deals for her customers. She is all about finding the most comfortable, stylish and durable garments available, for whatever job purpose you might have. You'll see Amy at the store - drop on by and meet her! And we look forward to you shopping with us again real soon.

Thank you for making us YOUR Uniform Connection!